“Gratitude”, Copyright: Patricia Riesenkampff

Instruction Manual for Gratitude

Patricia Lee Riesenkampff
6 min readJun 30, 2021


Why do most of us never fully read the inserted instruction manual of our store bought products? Gratitude is one of the most self empowering elements of a positive mindset. Our entire well being depends on it. Please find my instruction manual for Gratitude below. But if you are like me, then just take its effectiveness for granted and implement its usage for an immediate betterment of health, happiness, and harmony in all areas of your life.

WhatAreYouWaitingFor Pharmaceuticals proudly presents our new product- Gratitude Extra Strength Gradients

Active Ingredients: 700 mg of unconditional love,700 mg of organic trust, 500 mg of self empowerment, 300 mg of compassion, 300 mg of self awareness, 300 mg of integrity. Gratitude Gradients are covered with a biodegradable film of universal humour. The natural pink colouring is a result of combining these highly effective, health promoting, and mood enhancing ingredients.

Usage for both adults and children


Carefully read the instruction manual in its entirety as it has important information for you. This product is available without a doctor’s prescription. To attain the most effective results WhatAreYouWaitingFor Pharmaceuticals strongly suggest to take Gratitude Gradients as prescribed in this manual. Please save these instructions for future reference. Expect your symptoms to greatly improve within the first two weeks. Should you experience any of the side effects, or others not listed herein, please contact your doctor or druggist for further consultation. Our company is always glad to receive constructive patient feedback.

The Instruction manual contains:

  1. What are Gratitude Gradients and what are they used for?

2. What should you consider before taking Gratitude Gradients?

3. How to take Gratitude Gradients ?

4. What are the possible side effects?

5. How to safely store Gratitude Gradients?

6. Further Information

  1. What are Gratitude Gradients and what are they used for?

Gratitude Gradients are a naturally produced, homeopathic medicine traditionally used to effectively treat depression, spiritual misalignment, family disharmony, career stagnation, moodiness, minor and serious self doubt, anxiety, negative thought patterns, nightmares, insomnia, lack of self esteem, bitterness, extreme cases of self pity, illnesses of heart and mind, lack of friendships, self inflicted demotivation and self denial, hopelessness, apathy, and listlessness. Gratitude Gradients are made to be taken daily and registered to positively manage the above listed maladies.

2. What should you consider before taking Gratitude Gradients?

Please continue for the duration of at least 21 days once you begin taking a regiment of Gratitude Gradients. Here are some warnings to consider: Your entire present mental state of negativity and anxiety will noticeably decrease within the first days of intake of this medicine.This may result in an unfamiliar positive mindset and in an extremely warm sense of gratitude and an inner awareness of your many blessings. Applications taken beyond 21 days could result in a change of environment and even in the patient’s disassociation from formally chosen, negative relationships.The intake of Gratitude Gradients taken with unprescribed drugs or alcohol will limit the effectiveness of this medicine. Long term feelings of joy and light heartedness, emotional liberation, and love have been documented as frequent accompanying manifestations.

Application of Gratitude Gradients during pregnancy and infant nursing. The following developments have been reported during the intake of Gratitude Gradients during pregnancy and during the months following birth when the infant depends solely upon mother’s milk: increase bonding between mother and child, decreased hormone related mother’s moodiness, increased family harmony reported among all family members, an increased detachment from superficiality and the urge toward escapism via mindless shopping sprees either online or at locations, reduced extra hours on social media, as well as an increased lack of desire to watch formally favourite negative television/video programs regarding crime, perversion, deceit, and violence. Overall reports of infants sleeping quicker through the night have been widespread among users. Mothers report feeling much happier and they and their babies tend to laugh and smile more frequently. Babies also have far less digestive problems because the effectiveness of the medicine is transferred directly to the infant via the mother’s milk. Caution is suggested regarding the undeniable attraction of the mother to her husband/partner because of her heightened life energy levels, amicability, and glowing skin and gleaming eyes. Reported early subsequent pregnancies have been reported among users. A kind of gratitude contagion is commonly reported among all users and their families.

Usage by children and adolescents

Multiple reports from parents, grandparents, school teachers and sport coaches have indicated an overt increase of child/adolescent social engagement and positive contribution within the classroom, at sport practices and most noticeably, at home. Multiple reports show an increase in child/teen enthusiasm and interest in self betterment hobbies, school curriculum, sports and also a decrease in reported sport related injuries. Caution is to be taken regarding the onslaught of ensuing friendships which transpire because of the plethora of invitations for the child/teen to take part in various fun outdoor activities. Application seems to mark a revival of childhood past times and hobbies such as singing, dancing, picnicing, poetry, theatre groups, outdoor ball games, and pizza baking at home. There have also been widespread reports of demonstrative verbal gratitude among all age groups regarding parental care.

3. How to take Gratitude Gradients?

The daily intake of one Gratitude Gradient taken on an empty stomach with some water first thing in the morning and again just before bedtime is the recommended daily dosage for all age groups of this medicine. Child compliancy increases when the parents are taking the same prescription. If the patient is suffering from severe symptoms of depression, spiritual or emotional desolation, then it is recommended to take Gratitude Gradients three times or more a day as prescribed.

In the case of over medication:

There have been frequent reports from the patient’s negatively minded family members and from their annoyed office colleagues who have been exposed to the patient’s constant high levels of happiness, energy, innovations, positive interactions, enthusiasm, cheerfulness, and peacefulness that have led to their own increased levels of mental confusion and at times, even envy. We recommend that these positive patients offer the agitated members of their personal and professional circles a free sample of Gratitude Gradients. These are the only negative side effects occasionally being reported. In keeping with our company branding and global vision of healing one mindset at a time, WhatAreYouWaitingFor Pharmeceuticals offers every new patient a special two -for -the- price- of- one prescription in case their environment is in need. They usually are. Occasional reports of addiction have been reported but the clinically proven overall benefits for the heart, mind, soul, and body give the scientific community no reason for curtailing the marketing of this ground breaking, effective medicine.

Should you forget to take the Gratitude Gradient:

Most reports have shown a serious decrease in life energy, unhappiness, decreased motivation and a lack of lustre and radiance in the patient’s eyes as well as a noticeable increase in mental confusion and emotional sadness. Spiritual emptiness and despondent apathy can also result by forgetting to take the medicine.

4. What are the possible side effects?

Increased mental alertness, playfulness, increased energy levels, increased ability to overlook and to even forgive the transgressions of others, a loss of needless body weight as a result of more conscious eating habits and an increased desire to partake in more outdoor activities, better sleep, lack of nightmares and insomnia, better relationship communications, and managerial skills, positive professional impact, increased family cohesion, an increased desire to declutter ones home and office space, increased desire to sing even when the voice is not pitch-perfect, increased laughter, lightheartedness, inner alignment, creativity, problem solving, and spiritual liberation.

5. How are Gratitude Gradients to be stored?

This medication is easily carried in ones pocket. The colourful purple and peacock feather packaging enhances user compliancy.

6. Further Information:

WhatAreYouWaitingFor Pharmaceuticals is an equal pay, gender, race, religious confession, age, and disabilities equality employer. Our employees are hired from all walks of life and from every country and culture. We want to ensure the well being of our global community. Our aim is to provide the world with a natural and more self empowering Gratitude Mindset!



Patricia Lee Riesenkampff

Grateful Mother of six wonderful adult children. Excited to embark upon the path of reinvention. Ideas fill my house of creativity and words are my scaffolding.